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If your dog or cat suffers from bad breath this may indicate a problem with oral health. Plaque and tartar are major health issues in canines and felines, and especially in older animals. In dogs, the smaller breeds suffer most, but plaque and tartar are found in all breeds to a lesser or greater extent.

Dental plaque is a biofilm that develops naturally on teeth when these do not get enough use or enough cleaning. When the plaque calcifies, it turns into tartar. This appears primarily on the rim of the gums (the gumline) and on the back teeth. Tartar is very difficult to remove without the help of a veterinarian.
We recommend that you make it a habit to examine the teeth of your dog or cat once a week. Your pet will become accustomed to you examining the mouth and you will be able to discover any dental deterioration at an early stage. Unlike humans, dogs and cats rarely get cavities, but are much more prone to excess tartar build-up and gum disease (gingivitis). Gingivitis can be seen as reddening of the gums adjacent to the teeth. It also causes bad breath.

If tartar is not removed from your pet’s teeth, it builds up under the gums and separates the gums from the teeth to form “pockets” which encourages even more bacterial growth. At this point the damage is irreversible and can be very painful. Unfortunately, dogs and cats are experts at masking discomfort and pain and many owners may not notice that their pet has a problem.

The best way of keeping your pet’s teeth and gums healthy is by removing plaque regularly and thoroughly with the use of a toothbrush. Since many dogs and cats do not permit their teeth to be brushed, ProDen PlaqueOff® Animal provides a complimentary solution which helps keep plaque and tartar under control.
ProDen PlaqueOff® Animal is ingested together with food and results can usually be seen after a 2-8 week period. How fast you will be able to notice a difference depends on how long the problem has been affecting your pet’s oral health.

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